
Selasa, 20 September 2011


Praise be to God for the abundance of grace, Taufiq, and His Hidayah this paper so that tasks can be resolved properly. Shalawat and hopefully terlimpahkan greetings to our master the Prophet Muhammad that has provided inspiration to the author so terselesaikanlah task of this paper. although there are still many shortcomings, as the saying goes "there is no ivory that is not cracked", for that constructive criticism and suggestions are encouraged by the drafters.
Thanks to all those who with sincerity to help in the process of this paper
Hopefully this paper is particularly useful for the reader. Amen ... ...
... .. ...



Table of Contents
Chapter I Preliminary
Chapter II Discussion
Chapter III Analysis
Chapter IV Analysis
Study Library

Chapter I Preliminary
For the Javanese, or perhaps other tribes, Muharram, or better known as the month of Suro has a Special meaning. This is especially for the majority of the tribe who embraced Islam. No denying that in the month a lot of series of events or religious rituals that smells no hint of Islamic teachings.
Indeed, the month of Muharram is the first month of the Hijri calendar. And in Java, this month called the month of Suro. This is according to the Javanese calendar which is a combination of AH with Hinduism (Saka), which was popularized by the Sultan in the 17th century AD. Somehow Sultan Agung rename Muharram with Suro which in language means Brave. Is it possible that the early years should be aimed at boldly face the future optimistically. And Allaah knows best. What is clear in a piece of Java other than the names of the month of Suro many similarities with existing Hijri calendar. A case of Shawwal to be Sawal, month Shafar be Sapar and so on.
Special meaning of this month for the Javanese are colored with the interpretations and beliefs that myth. Hence arises a series of rituals finally given a Javanese Islamic dress. but there is also a ritual performed Muslims are loaded with color Java. For example, Javanese ritual that is colored by the teachings of Islam among other offerings harbor, parading sacred animal and so on. Similarly, there are rituals that people do rituals of Islam, among others bukak Bodag Horse Parade (the Holy) and haul certain Sheik-Sheik.

Chapter II Discussion
The Javanese believe that the month of Muharram is a month of Suro, or sacred, not just any moon. Therefore for some people believe that this month abstinence for fun, such as by holding a celebration. There is only the ritual with the aim of avoidable distress, misfortune and disaster. So on this month people abuzz hold rituals to a shrine which was considered as the palace of certain figures are believed to be representative of the Lord to keep the land of Java. Some places are among others, Parangkusumo (Yogyakarta), Mount Lawu, Mount Merapi and along the south coast. There is also a unique ritual that is by doing kungkum (bathing in the river), surround the fort and the Sultan Palace and Mangkunegaran parading sacred buffalo Keraton Surakarta. The fact is until now still thrives in the midst of people who claimed to have entered a period of modernization in Java.
There is also a ritual performed by the students with the nuances of Java. One of them happened in the Holy who had walked hundreds of years. That is the turn of the tomb of Sunan Kudus nets and Sunan Muria more famous "bukak Bodag Horse Parade". This ritual is performed on every 10th of Muharram. What is interesting in that ritual is the division of rice packets are believed to bring great blessing. So that they are willing to squeeze, even buy it from getting the rice.
1.      Track the emergence understand Kejawen
Understand kejawen can not be separated from the life of Javanese people. This understanding is often identified with the understanding psychotherapy.
 Although this assumption is not entirely true, but indeed the world can not be separated from the Javanese mysticism and psychotherapy are also part of the Javanese.
Before the arrival of Hinduism and Buddhism in Java, the Javanese have known a belief that is syncretism, namely Animism and Dynamism. This is where the root cause of the belief of the Javanese until today, while the Hindu or Buddhist teachings just as a colorant only.
And the inclusion of divine religions and beliefs were not lethal to understand this. He still runs the tides change with time and date. Even Hinduism and Buddhism Animism and Dynamism affirming beliefs.
If the Javanese syncretism in believing the existence of a series-Danyang Danyang in certain places, then in the teachings of the Hindu believe in gods who control places of the earth. Both have similarities and fit already.
The entry of Islam in Java in the fifteenth century was even more giving pattern to understand the growth of the seed-seed kejawen have existed decades earlier. Establishment of the Islamic Javanese kingdom of Mataram, was more fertile growth and development of Islamic mystical Javanese literature. Starting from this historical journey that eventually form the Java community behaviors conducted in the month of Suro. And this we can still see today.
2.      Understand the factors that cause kejawen
There are two factors that led to the belief or understanding is still happening today, namely:
a.       Internal factors
This is not apart from the attitudes of people who have embraced Java very well with the values ​​kejawen. People traditionally think of Javanese Islam is the main completeness in everyday life. And not exhaustive in running the Islamic religion without interference by the value-ailai Kejawen teachings. They are among the Javanese people are still doing a lot of ancient rituals such as the characteristic magical puppet shows, a certain sacrifice of buffaloes or animals even when they are already declared his Islam. [1] So they run the religion was limited to the implementation of the five pillars of Islam shariah. While they need peace of mind and the media or the means to draw close to God. As spoken by Allah in surah Al-Zumar 3, which reads:

ألا لله الدين الخالص والذين اتخذوا من دونه أولياء ما نعبدهم إلا ليقربونا إلى الله زلفى إن الله يحكم بينهم في ما هم فيه يختلفون إن الله لا يهدي من هو كاذب كفار

It means: "Remember, only religion Allah belongs the clean (from Shirk). And those who take protectors other than Allah (say): "We do not worship them only that they get closer to God with us in close." Verily Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Verily Allah guides not people who are liars and very dissenter "(Surat al-Zumar 3). [2]

b.      External factors
This much is colored by the history of Java. In addition to the book Java Horoscopes (Primbon) mentioned the existence of hard-law prohibition or hold a celebration (wedding) in the month of Suro on Monday and Tuesday. Or on 6, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 27 which they refer to as the dates unlucky or unfortunate. Kejawen understand precisely affirmed by Islam taught by the Walisongo. Among others Tawassul.
Cult of certain people, certain animal slaughter ban (Read: Cow) due to respect for Hinduism and so forth.
Not only in Java, in culture there are some people that the Middle East there are also certain habits. Especially in Iraq and Iran. Those who minded Shiite perform special rituals in order to commemorate the killing of the Prophet's grandson named Al-Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala Padang. These tragic events do occur in the month of Muharram, the exact date 10 years 61 H. they gathered at the Padang Karbala to cry, mourn the events that befall the Al-Husayn ibn Ali deliberately banging his head, chest and entire body with his hands bloody murder, even with chains, swords or anything that bleeds, which aims to shape groaning and sadness in remembering the incident.

Chapter III Analysis
1.      Shiite acculturation Kejawen
Listening to the above description, we can find remnants of Shiite influence is still visible in some parts of Java, among others, the celebration of Ashura by presenting rice gruel as a form of salvation and a warning to al-Husayn who was killed in Padang Karbala.
A sense of mourning for the Javanese month of Suro also got a Shiite influence, they never held a pleasure in this month. Even the always filling his time with a ritual aimed at disaster refuse, reinforcements and distress. The event is also torturing yourself is also a Shiite influence as described above, as Kungkum in the river at night.
One more interesting event is the ceremony at Holy bukak Bodag Horse Parade. For some reason the event is held on the 10th of Muharram, whether that date is the day of death of Sunan Kudus, no information at all. Judging from the name of Sadiq Jakfar Festival reminds us of the name of one of the twelve imams are believed by the Shi'ites.
2.      Month Suro myth according to Islam
If studied and observed closely, it seems obvious that some rituals are performed the Javanese who shirk in Allah Almighty.
One example of purification ritual objects pusakayang penunggunya considered sacred and there, so it is believed that the heirloom has a power that can affect the life of the owner so that they perform certain rituals and give offerings to the fellowers to endure and maintain its value and not make trouble.
Such case in Islam is a form of exaltation to other than Allah and shape shirk. Rasulullah SAW said:

Meaning: "Who hung a talisman, he has Shirk." (Narrated by Ahmad). [3]
And there are very many forms rituan which is contrary to Islamic teachings. God very strongly convey this in words that read:

قل إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين

It means: "Say:" Verily, prayer, worship, life and my death are for Allah, the Lord of hosts. "(Surat al-An` 162). [4]
That each carried by a man posing as a true meslim should only be for Allah, for Allah. For he is the sole ruler of the mini-style without having to disekutukan with others especially with the creatures.

Chapter IV Conclusion
From the description then the few things we have to mensikapi about the rituals performed there and a lot of the Java community in the month of Muharram / ​​Suro either still do kejawen teachings or who have identified themselves as Muslims, among others:
1.      Suppose the month of Muharram / ​​Suro like the other months.
2.      Expand ddengan fasting Sunnah, one of which is fasting Asyuro or Tasu'a.
Thus this paper we make, of course there are many faults and shortcomings. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism from readers is our hope for the improvement of this paper.
In the end, if there are mistakes and shortcomings from us, we apologize profusely. And only God almighty knows everything.

Al qur’an dan Terjemahannya, Mujamma’ Al Malik Fahd Li Thiba’at Al Mush-haf Asy-Syarif, Medinah Munawwarah, 1993.
Jamil, Abdul H. DKK, Islam & Kebudayaan Jawa, Semarang, Gama Media, 2000.
Abdurrahman Bin Hasan, Fath Al Majiid Syarh Kitab Al-Tauhid, Beirut, Dar Al-Kutb Al-Ilmiyah

[1] Jamil, Abdul H. DKK, Islam & Kebudayaan Jawa, Semarang, Gama Media, 2000, Hal 23.
[2] Al qur’an dan Terjemahannya, Mujamma’ Al Malik Fahd Li Thiba’at Al Mush-haf Asy-Syarif, Medinah Munawwarah, 1993.
[3] Abdurrahman Bin Hasan, Fath Al Majiid Syarh Kitab Al-Tauhid, Beirut, Dar Al-Kutb Al-Ilmiyah, Hal 120.
[4] Al qur’an dan Terjemahannya, Mujamma’ Al Malik Fahd Li Thiba’at Al Mush-haf Asy-Syarif, Medinah Munawwarah, 1993.

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